Ns conn

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Revision as of 02:53, 19 September 2008 by Morgaladh (talk | contribs) (Added notes about other options (sock, encoding, urlencoding), gleaned from nsd/conn.c.)
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ns_conn - Find information about the current HTTP connection.


ns_conn option ?arg arg ...?


This command is used to retrieve various pieces of information about a connection.
The legal options (which may be abbreviated) are:
  • ns_conn authpassword
Returns the decoded user password from the authorization data.
  • ns_conn authuser
Returns the decoded user name from the authorization data.
  • ns_conn close
Closes the connection so the script (or ADP) can do any time-consuming processing without making the client wait. If you use ns_conn close in an ADP, streaming should be turned on before closing the connection (i.e. <SCRIPT RUNAT=SERVER STREAM=ON>) or nothing will get sent out at all.
  • ns_conn content ?offset? ?length?
Returns the content of the HTTP request body, optionally a substring of that content starting at offset and extending length characters.
  • ns_conn contentlength
Returns the number of bytes in the content passed in.
  • ns_conn copy off len chan
Copies data from the current connection to chan starting at byte off for len bytes?
  • ns_conn driver
Returns the name of the module (nssock or nsssl) that is acting as the communications driver for this connection.
  • ns_conn encoding
Returns the TCL-encoding for the connection which is used to convert the output of ns_write.
  • ns_conn form
Returns any submitted form data as an ns_set. This form data may have been submitted with a POST or appended to the URL in a GET request. Note: ns_conn form is not suitable for multipart formdata file upload widgets.
  • ns_conn headers
Returns all the header data as an ns_set. The keys of the ns_set represent the field names. The case of the returned field names depends on the HeaderCase configuration parameter. By default, HeaderCase is "Preserve", which means case is preserved.
  • ns_conn host
Returns the host part of the URL in the HTTP request.
  • ns_conn isconnected
Returns 1 if you're in a connection thread, and you are therefore allowed to make calls to ns_conn. It returns 0 if you're not in a connection thread (such as when you're in a schedule procedure) and you are not allowed to make calls to ns_conn.
  • ns_conn location
Returns the location string for this virtual server in the form: protocol://hostname[:port].
  • ns_conn method
Returns the HTTP method, e.g. GET.
  • ns_conn outputheaders
Returns an ns_set that will be used in building the headers that will be sent out when a result is returned to the client. This ns_set can be manipulated like any other ns_set. You can also use this command to write to the set of output headers. For example: ns_set put [ns_conn outputheaders] key value. Keys that exist in the standard set of output headers will be overwritten by user-specified values in this ns_set if any.
  • ns_conn peeraddr
Returns the IP address of the client, i.e. the "other side" of the HTTP connection. The IP address is returned in the form of a string separated with periods (e.g.,
  • ns_conn port
Returns the port specified explicitly in the URL of the HTTP request. If the browser does not explicity send the ":port" part of the URL, the port number returned will be 0.
  • ns_conn protocol
Returns the protocol of the URL in the HTTP request (usually unspecified).
  • ns_conn query
Returns any query data that was part of the HTTP request.
  • ns_conn request
Returns the HTTP request line as presented by the client, e.g. GET / HTTP/1.1.
  • ns_conn start
Returns the time the connection request started in "sec:usec" (aka ns_time) format.
  • ns_conn sock
Returns the underlying socket for the connection.
  • ns_conn urlencoding
Returns the TCL-encoding for the connection which is used to convert input forms to proper UTF.
  • ns_conn url
Returns the URL of the HTTP request. This is the portion of the request after the hostname, for example [ns_conn url] on http://aolserver.com/ returns /index.adp.
  • ns_conn urlc
Returns the number of elements (delimited by `/') in the URL of the HTTP request.
  • ns_conn urlv
Returns a list containing the pieces of the URL delimited by `/'.
  • ns_conn version
Returns the version of the HTTP request. This is usually 1.0 or 1.1.



ns_getform, ns_queryget, ns_time