AOLserver Chat Logs


IRC [01:09] *** Mooooooo parted the chat.
IRC [02:59] *** cacrus parted the chat.
IRC [03:03] *** cacrus joined the chat.
IRC [03:29] *** cacrus parted the chat.
IRC [05:11] *** tekbasse joined the chat.
IRC [05:52] *** tekbasse parted the chat.
IRC [06:23] *** cacrus joined the chat.
IRC [11:26] *** Mooooooo joined the chat.
IRC [11:50] *** jbellis joined the chat.
IRC [11:51] <jbellis> ns_adp_parse ignores the ns_param singlescript option with both -file and -string, is there a workaround? (undocumented option to ns_adp_parse maybe?)
IRC [11:57] <jbellis> [checks source -- nope]
IRC [12:07] <jbellis> guess i will change flags = 0 in NsTclAdpParseObjCmd to flags = itPtr->adp.flags;
IRC [18:51] *** `brooks joined the chat.
IRC [18:51] <`brooks> omg
IRC [18:51] <`brooks> tell me you support client 2.5
IRC [18:54] <`brooks> er. what the hack is aolserver? o.O
IRC [18:55] <`brooks> "AOLserver is America Online's Open-Source web server." AOL sanctioned?
IRC [19:08] *** `brooks parted the chat.
IRC [19:58] *** hgcphoenix joined the chat.
IRC [22:41] *** tekbasse joined the chat.
IRC [23:07] *** tekbasse parted the chat.
IRC [23:13] *** hgcphoenix parted the chat.
IRC [23:23] *** hgcphoenix joined the chat.